Hi this is my next good one for you
Chemical Organizations
Chemical Organizations
- American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists - technical and scientific society devoted to the advancement of textile chemistry.
- American Oil Chemists' Society - international forum for fats, oils, proteins surfactants and detergents.
- AOAC International - focuses on chemical and microbiological analysis in areas of food, drugs, agriculture, environment, forensics.
- ARROW Chemistry & Biology - Advanced Resume Retrieval On The Web for chemists, biochemists and molecular biologists
- Association of Finnish Chemical Societies
- Canadian Society for Chemistry
- ChemCenter - A one-stop Web site for chemical professionals in industry, academe, and government worldwide, ChemCenter will also provide resources for educators, students, and individuals who want reliable, accurate information about the chemistry-related sciences.
- Chemical Heritage Foundation - Instills pride in and strengthens public understanding of the chemical and life sciences and technologies.
- ChemWeb - offers a library of leading periodicals, books and databases, a shopping mall, a job exchange, meeting rooms and discussion groups
- Chinese-American Chemical Society (CACS)
- CIIT - Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology
- CITA (Cellule Interfacultaire de Technology Assessment) - Specialised in the following research domains: Technology Assessment, Information Highways, EDI, Computerised Health Cards, InterOrganisational Systems
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - independent research and educational institution; doing science, facilitating scientific communication, training scientists, public education, and publishing.
- CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers - at the Ian Wark Laboratory.
- Dechema e.V - non-profit German society for chemical apparatus, chemical engineering and biotechnology.
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (unofficial) - German Chemical Society.
- International Council on Main Group Chemistry (ICMGC)
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- KAIN Laboratories & Software - Come and find some interesting data and software about chemistry.
- Microstructured Materials Group at Berkeley Lab
- Molecular Diversity Preservation International - chemical samples registration, collection and exchange.
- National Mole Day Foundation - a fun organization for chemistry students of all levels in honor of Avogadro's number.
- North American Catalysis Society - contains newsletters, officers, local clubs and societies, and meetings.
- Oxygen Club of California - topics of interest include free radicals in biological systems, in chemistry and in medicine.
- Rice University - Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA)
- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Victorian Branch - professional and learned society serving the needs of chemists and the community in Australia.
- Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Polymer Division - details of organisation, meetings, prizes, publications and other activities.
- Sanderson High School Chemistry Club
- Serbian Chemical Society
- Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica - Brazilian chemical society.
- St. Louis Chromatography Group
- Stanford Chemistry Club
- SUNY Geneseo Chemistry Club
- Svenska Kemistsamfundet - Swedish Chemical Society. seeking to promote the development of chemistry and its applications.
- UMR Coatings Institute
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